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- Audio49
- Collection518
- Collection Level...
- Subcollection 430
- Collection 87
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- Theme10
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- In celebration of their world-wide voyages explore our Hōkūleʻa theme page which documents the incredible journey of the the Polynesian Voyaging Society and Hōkūleʻa! 1
- Ola I Ka Wai (water is life). The following provides a peek into the history of water rights in Hawai‘i and the precursors to the battles over water that persist today. 1
- Since becoming a state in 1959, Hawaiʻi has undergone remarkable change. Relive memories of daily life in Hawaiʻi prior to statehood. 1
- Theme Description...
- Transcript PDF14
- Video4981
- Purpose...
- Collection...
- CLEAR 1238
- Hawaiian Legacy Foundation 908
- Juniroa Productions 444
- PBS Hawaiʻi 308
- HKG Pilot Project 244
- KGMB 199
- Bishop Museum Media 170
- 442nd Legacy Center 137
- Daniel K. Inouye Congressional 119
- Katsugo Miho 114
- Biographical Research Center 98
- KITV 85
- Making Waves Films 82
- Pacific Islanders in Communications 72
- Cliff Watson 69
- Mitsuo Aoki 69
- Merrie Monarch Festival 66
- Victoria Keith Productions 46
- Samuel P. King 39
- University of Hawaiʻi Student Video and Filmmakers' Association 39
- Tom Coffman 35
- Hawaiian Electric Company 33
- Liljestrand Film 31
- Micheal Dooley 27
- Naomi Sodetani 27
- Hawaiʻi People's Fund 26
- Keith Kalani Akana 25
- Hawaiʻi Congressional Media 24
- Office of Hawaiian Affairs 23
- Hawaiʻi Home Movie 21
- Hawaiʻi Council for the Humanities 20
- Hawaiʻi Public Broadcast 19
- Gene Kois 17
- Protect Kahoʻolawe ʻOhana 16
- ʻIolani Palace 14
- KHON 10
- Papa Ola Lokahi 9
- Alan Amos 8
- Don Ho 8
- Pacific Island Fisheries Science Center 6
- Kamehameha Schools 5
- Mary Tuti Baker 5
- Mandy Blake Bowers 4
- Meleanna Aluli Meyer 4
- Hawaiʻi Craftsmen 3
- Ted Shibuya 3
- Hawaiʻi Educational Film 2
- Toyofuku Family 2
- 16. Thur. Unit 1, 2101 #1 1
- Clear 1
- Tip Davis 1
- University of Hawaiʻi - West Oʻahu Communications Department 1
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